Silence, Idolatry, the Divine and Divination


What does it mean to preach the word and uphold the name of Jesus in the church today?

Does it mean to uphold and actively support the practice of self-indulgent silent Contemplative Prayers with more vigor than preaching the Gospel?

Is it written anywhere in the entire Bible that it is OK to practice idolatry or that any act of idolatry is under the covering of grace

Such things do not represent the Gospel, the Good News as preached by the apostles.They do not point believer or unbeliever alike to the cross of Jesus. His death and resurrection have become nothing more than a footnote in some church circles today.

Rather than coming together in prayer as a body of believers in church, we now have silent-retreats to fulfill self-indulgent needs where private chanting and silent prayers are said for the purpose of invoking the Spirit of God to tell these seekers what THEY WANT TO HEAR!

There are now spiritual guides/directors who come along side and act like conduits between the one who is praying and God for the purpose of interpreting and guiding the seeker to understand what voice or vision they have received meant. These conduit spiritual guides take on the role of an interpreter. However, instead of interpreting another language, they interpret faint voices or feelings of the seeker thus acting as mystics. Contrary to this, the Bible says that it is the Holy Spirit who will guide us into all truth and that the Holy Spirit (third person of the Triune Godhead) will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness.Therefore anyone suggesting that you need a spiritual guide and an intermediary to hear from God is telling you a falsehood.

In fact, the only need for interpretation spoken of in the New Testament is from the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 14 where he states that if a tongue is spoken it needs to be interpreted otherwise it does not edify. This is the only gifting that is spoken about to be interpreted. Therefore, other than interpreting a tongue, a third person as an intermediary is not called for whatsoever.

Beyond that, Joseph interpreted dreams in the Old Testament, Daniel had an angelic visitation from the Archangel Michael who interpreted his dreams for what was to take place far into the future. As such, these were not common place experiences. And certainly those who had those experiences did not have to PAY or have a FEE WAIVED in order for these God appointed timely experiences to occur.

To be clear, the practice and promotion of idolatry and divination is forbidden in the Old and New Testament.

Is it so difficult to say the name of the one who died for you, the one who redeemed you rather referring to Jesus as “the divine”? Does it feel better to seek out those to interpret voices rather than praying and seeking the face of Jesus through the Holy Spirit in intimate prayer alone while at home or within a church body?

As Christians we are to be the salt of the earth. If the salt loses its flavor, it is good for nothing but to be trampled under foot. We need to turn to the scriptures and seek the face of Jesus, not with chanting and vacuous minded prayers, but with purposeful, requests before the Lord Jesus, lest we become deceived where we can no longer discern truth from error in doctrine and then turn to have our ears tickled and pay attention to doctrines of demons. Make no mistake about it, Satan seeks to kill, steel and destroy and he will present himself as an angel of light. Be AWARE!

Remember “Jesus is Lord”.

Note: This blog contains personal opinions of the blogger.